Saturday, June 20, 2020

neet exam tips & notes

Coordination compound notes IIT-JEE  and NEET
coordination compound is an important and scoring chapter for both IIT-JEE  and NEET/AIIMS. Here are hand written institute classroom notes . happy downloading
coordination chemistry -1
coordination compounds -2
coordination compounds -3

Why Chemistry is a scoring subject?? **

Chemistry is sub-divided into Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. On most occasions, at least 13 questions are asked from each sub unit. Too many direct questions are asked from Inorganic Chemistry and if you learn these chapters properly, can answer them easily. But, most students find it boring as it requires lots of memorizing work and hence ignore it completely

I will be mentioning the right approach or strategy for acing a good score in all the three sub-sections

✔️How to Start Preparing for NEET Chemistry :

As it’s been analysed through previous year’s papers, most of the questions asked are as per NCERT level. So, start with going through each and every chapter of NCERT thoroughly. Go through every example and questions at least twice.

Make detailed notes of every chapter mentioning all the important concepts, it will come to your aid in revising all the concepts efficiently.

  • Physical Chemistry

For scoring good in this section, you need to invest time regularly as it involves solving numerical and calculations. As I said above, start with NCERT and build concepts followed by practising every example and questions at the back.

After this, you can practice questions from any standard book and improve on the application part of concepts. Learn some fast calculation techniques for solving questions quicker.

Some chapters like Thermochemistry, equilibrium, Coordination compounds, etc should be given some extra attention as these are the topics you might face problem in the exam.
In Physical Chemistry, one should also cover theoretical portion as they are frequently asked along with Numerical problems.

  • Inorganic Chemistry

This is generally considered as the most boring section by you (arhh well for me too) , but at the same time, it is easiest to score in. Go through each and every line of NCERT carefully, questions are directly framed from NCERT. Using the approach of mnemonics can help you in remembering the facts much more easily and for a longer period of time.
Prepare Inorganic Chemistry from NCERT book only. Revise memorized chapters regularly to avoid forgetting them after sometime.

Make charts and short notes for the facts, that you are having difficulty remembering. Paste them on the walls of your room or your study desk, so that you can go through them every now and then.

  • Organic Chemistry (Most important)

This is the section in which NCERT might not be enough, your faculty will be helpful here. Understanding the basics is very crucial for this section, otherwise, you will always hate organic Chemistry. GOC (General Organic Chemistry) is very important, it involves the basics on which organic chemistry works, so master this topic.
Learn reactions in Organic Chemistry by writing them several times in notebook. Practice questions on “Conversions” daily.
Make a chart of all the named reactions, first from the NCERT and then from any standard book.

Also, make notes of all the important reagents and their actions. Revise them on a regular basis. Never try to mug up anything. Focus on learning the mechanism behind reactions.

Also some really important tips to remember is-

  1. Don’t ignore NCERT- It is a common mistake that a lot of students commit. NCERT alone is enough for scoring more than 150+ if read with utmost care. Go through each and every chapter at least twice before the exam.
  2. Analyzing the pattern and syllabus- Before starting, analyze the NEET Chemistry syllabus & pattern and level of the exam. Write down all the important chapters and topics and strategize accordingly.
  3. Always clear all your doubts- Never keep any doubts in your mind, clear even the smallest of your doubts, especially in organic chemistry
  4. Prepare a monthly time table or study plan- Have weekly and monthly targets, study in a scheduled manner not randomly. Make notes of every chapter mentioning even the slightest of points. It will help in making the revision process even more smooth
  5. Practising previous year papers- Practice previous year question papers for knowing the important topics and the level of questions that you can expect. Try doing some JEE Main sets as well, sometimes questions are directly picked from there.
  6. Important Topics for NEET Chemistry 2020-
    **Physical Chemistry- Mole concept and Stoichiometry
    Atomic structure
    Electrochemistry and redox reactions
    Equilibrium and Chemical kinetics
    **Inorganic chemistry - Chemical Bonding
    Coordination compounds
    Block elements- s,p,d and f
    Periodic properties of elements **Organic Chemistry- GOC
    Polymers and biomolecules
  7. Follow the right books-
    1- NCERT textbooks
    2- Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon and N avasthi
    3- Reactions and rearrangements by SN Sanyal.
    4- Organic chemistry by MS Chauhan. 5- Inorganic Chem by VK jaiswal.
    Well I've heard about these books but personally I used USS and mtg fingertip for chemistry. And for last year question, You can you mtg chapterwise solution.. Well choice is yours. Baki apni apni shraddha:-D:-D

Analyze your weak points from them and work accordingly on improving those areas

**Right revision strategy **

Cover entire syllabus from NCERT book. Read this book daily. In fact, a strong command over this book can easily help you score more than 160 marks out of 180 in NEET.

Complete your NEET syllabus at least 2 months before the exam date. Then, prepare an effective study plan for revising all the important concepts thoroughly. This phase of preparation is indeed very important. So, don’t lose your pace in this phase

Just remember, there is no substitute for hard work. Along with that, self-analyzing at regular intervals and tracking your progress is equally important. Enjoy the preparation phase and surely you will reach the desired result.

Study hard and never give up.

Now I am giving you some realistic and some great advices to improve your concepts of organic chemistry…as I always say impliment them only if you don't have any other strategy or plan to execute . Make a separate notebook for compressing and making short notes of OC.

  • First of all let's begin with Core concept of OC ~ IUPAC Nomenclature , Nomenclature is so so so important because if you could not remember the structure or name of the compound during those 3 hours then studying organic chemistry is literally a waste of time . So go and first revise Nomenclature...I had suffered alot while revision but I never stopped , even I thought its a huge topic to revise but then you can use this table always...
  • Write ,write ,write ,and some more written practice, you know OC is more about structures and reactions ,I know you know but you don't know that you need to write them down only then they will be remain retained in your mind . So keep on writing…
  • You will face many ,many ,many new compounds every week ,so better you give them a separate space in your notes ,write them down Everytime you encounter a new compound ,take a look at what and how I did…
  • I hope that I don't have to tell you to write down all the reactions at a separate place ,I know it's well understood ,hope so. The number will cross 100 ,but then atleast they all will be inter related and at the same place. I have also did the same thing but they are so many so I am not uploading images…
  • Mechanism of reactions , really a big thing to remind , you can't take them forgranted coz you will be unable to solve Questions if you don't know the exact and correct mechanisms…some main mechanisms are SN1 ,SN2 ,ANTI MARKOVNIKOV’S , MARKONIKOV'S and the list can go never ending but foucs more on NCERT .
  • Various reagents , wrote them down at separate place in your notes coz you will have to encounter them many times.
  • Donate first page of your note book to the reactions and other things that you tend to forgot…
  • Now let's come to the main part , how to make notes and how to learn so much of the concepts…. Easy to answer ,simply just first take a look at my notes…first…

Major topics from 11 plus I did some comparisons as well in between…

Whole Isomerism…And it's types

Do geometrical isomerism by yourself…i told you I am here to make you more hungry…

Some more compounds Huckle’s rule!!!

Practical OC ,many students struggle here so I am uploading everything you needed for it…PURIFICATION , QUANTITATIVE , QUALITATIVE…

Now did you get something , it's not difficult to compress notes and make short notes ,it's just become more easy by practice.

Believe in your teachers and yourself. Teacher’s notes are really helpful for OC , I have almost provided you all the major notes for which I had spent days and nights in creating them…but as the time is limited so I uploaded them for you guys…And you just don't have to copy them or don't just cramp them ,Understand the concepts behind them utilize them to the maximum but make your own notes as well…

  • Now let's see some part of 12…I have a separate notebook for self notes of 12 , obviously I can't upload everything ,this is just glimps into my notes book…

SN1 and SN2 plus I did Various other mechanisms out of NCERT , don't follow any book blindly ,do all the mechanisms which your teacher is telling you to do. Follow your teacher .

Make various chart flow like this or related to this…try to interrelate every reaction so that you can enjoy studying OC.

Make various tables as well to help yourself…

Some more images ,just take a look…

Now the notes part is done…

So now let's come to NCERT and Question Solving thing…

Firstly as Everyone knows NCERT is our GEETA or BIBLE whatever you call it ,so those who struggle thought concepts of OC should read NCERT first coz it clears each and every doubt related to OC.

There is very limited but really important stuff given in NCERT ,so don't you dare to skip NCERT for both 11 and 12 plus you can add more stuff to it…

Some hidden information in tables can be really useful ,read wisely…

Intermediates can be asked directly ,read carefully…

Add extra stuff in Aldehydes coz this chapter is beautifully explained in NCERT and this is basically asked from outside sources so do it from higher reference books…

Whole of the organic chemistry is inter related , and different different realtions are really necessary to study so do read NCERT very very carefully and observe the beauty the beauty of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY!!!

Look how I am doing comparison for different compounds…

Now let's see some Interesting books for Question practising…

NCERT Exemplar ~ 11 and 12 part…

OMG this book looks very childish but has so much elaborated Concepts of NCERT that it fascinates me alot…😍

Here I'm again just giving you glimps for this book otherwise you have many options…

For theory it is awesome ,and for questions it is amazing…

Match the following…


So I guess I need not to tell you more about this, let it be your choice…

Now coming to next book ,I hope I don't have to utter a single word for this .

Also Aakash modules and AIIMS Explorer are best books to practice questions…

But the thing is don't just do the questions , you also have to write down difficult questiona and comparisons…

So that you can study them later and revise them in seconds…

Wait let me show you!!!

So here you all can see that I wrote each and every important question that I had encountered and some major questiins which my teacher taught me in classroom…

Day 1- Just have a glance over the classification and nomenclature.

Read the methods of purification just once and note down important examples. Like glycerol is purified by distillation under reduced pressure.

Now read the characterisation of organic compounds. After you done with it, you need to know which organic compounds play foul in these tests. Like some nitrogenous compounds are not tested by Kjeldahl method etc.

  • The compound that does not give blue color in Lassaigne test of nitrogen?
    • (a)Aniline (b)Glycine (c)Urea (d)*Hydrazine.
  • The compound that does not give blue color in Lassaigne test of nitrogen?
    • (a)Phenylhydrazine (b)Azobenzene (c)*Sulfanilic acid (d)*C6H5N2+Cl-.
  • The compound that does not give Lassaigne test of nitrogen?
    • (a)* Hydroxyl amine (b)* Hydrazine (c)Sulfanilic acid (d)*C6H5N2+Cl-.
  • Which are correct?
    • (a)*Hydrazine give H2 gas when fused with sodium.
    • (b)*Sulfanilic acid give blood red color of Fe(CNS)3 in Lassaigne test of nitrogen.
    • (c)*Diazonium salts give N2 gas when heated before they combine with fused sodium in Lassaigne test.
    • (d)*AgNO3 solution is added to acidified Lassaigne extract if Organic compound has N,S and Halogen are present, to decompose Na2S and NaCN if formed.
  • The compound that cannot be tested for nitrogen by Kjeldahl method?
    • (a)*Azide (b)*Cyanide (c)*Nitroso (d)*Azo.
  • The compound that cannot be tested for nitrogen by Kjeldahl method?
    • (a)*Pyridine (b)*Cyanide (c)*Nitroso (d)*Nitrobenzene.
  • The compound that gives positive Beilstein test?
    • (a) *Pyridine (b)*Urea (c)*Thiourea (d)*Organic fluorides.

Day 2- Now comes the GOC. First know about electrophiles and nucleophiles. And learn why

  • Na+, (NH4)+ are not electrophiles and (PCl6)-, (SiCl6)2- are not nucleophiles.
  • (Me3CO)- and pyridine are non-nucleophilic bases. (steric hindrance)
  • Order of nucleophilic character: F- < Cl- < Br- < I- (In DMF or DMSO, order gets reversed, solvent effect).

Now learn about reaction intermediates:

  • (CF3). is pyramidal but (CH3). is planar.
  • Bridgehead free radicals are pyramidal (At bridgehead carbocations and alkenes etc sp2 are not possible in small rings)
  • learn about benzyne, carbene(singlet, triplet and the stability orders) and nitrene.

Let’s go to the electronic effects now: Inductive and Hyperconjugation

  • R3C- < R2CH- < RCH2- < CH3- is the order of e-releasing ability when they are attached to unsaturated system. (reverse of when they are attached to saturated system)

Focus well on resonance effect and its different examples, stability order of resonating structures, aromaticity, cross conjugation, SIR effect, Ortho effect, hybridisation & hydrogen bonding and their applications on e.g stability, acidic and basic characters.

  • Allyl and benzyl carbanions are planar.
  • (CF3)+ is more stable than (CF3)3C+.
  • CHCl3 is more acidic than CHF3.
  • Azulene exists as zwitter-ion.
  • [8]- annulene and [10]- annulene are non-aromatic.
  • PhCONH2 is more basic than MeCONH2.
  • Maleic acid has smaller pKa1 but greater pKa2 than that of fumaric acid.

Day 3- It’s time for isomerism and Stereochemistry.

  • Cyclic alpha-diketones mostly exist in enolic form.
  • 1,3,5-Benezene triol give characteristic reactions of ketones.
  • Glucose, mannose and fructose are ring-chain tautomers.
  • 2,3-pentadiene is non planar and exhibit optical isomerism whereas hexa-2,3,4-triene is planar and exhibit geometrical isomerism.
  • Cyclo-octene has three stereoisomers.
  • CH3-CH=S=O exhibit geometrical isomerism.
  • HOOC-CH(OH)-CH(OH)-CH(OH)-COOH has two meso forms.
  • Galactose is C4-epimer of glucose.
  • At equilibrium, the beta anomer of D-glucose predominates during mutarotation of glucose.
  • cis-isomer of 1,3-dimethylcyclohexane is more stable than its trans-isomer.

Day 4,5- Complete the properties of Hydrocarbons.

  • Wurtz reaction / Wurtz Fittig reaction/ Fittig reaction
  • Corey House Synthesis
  • Soda-lime decarboxylation
  • Kolbe Electrolysis
  • Halogenation of alkanes- Reactivity vs Selectivity in Halogenation of Alkanes
    • Me2CH-CH2CH3 gives major monochlorinated product as Me2CH-CH(Cl)CH3, total six monochlorinated products and after fractional distillation, four fractions are obtained.
  • Use of HI / red P
  • Use of NBS or SO2Cl2 (Wohl-Ziegler Reaction)
    • The major product of the reaction of methylenecyclohexane with N-bromosuccinimide is 1-(bromomethyl)cyclohexene.
  • Saytzeff Rule /Hoffmann elimination
    • 2-Fluoropentane with MeO-/MeOH gives 1-pentene.
  • Markownikoff Rule
    • CF3CH=CH2 with HCl gives CF3CH2CH2Cl.
  • Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement / Demajnov Rearrangement
  • Kharasch or Peroxide Effect
    • CH3CH=CH2 + CCl3Br, peroxide gives-…..??
  • Hoffmann Elimination of Quaternary Ammonium Hydroxides
  • Acid catalysed dehydration of alcohols
    • 1-butanol with conc. H2SO4 gives 2-butene as major product.
  • Oxymercuration-Demercuration of alkenes
  • Hydroboration Oxidation of alkenes
  • Ozonolysis (Reductive/Oxidative) and Oxidation reactions
  • Ozonolysis of ortho xylene gives glyoxal, methyl glyoxal and dimethyl glyoxal in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1.
  • Tests of Terminal alkynes
  • Friedel-Crafts Acylation/ Friedel-Crafts Alkylation

Day 6-Haloalkanes, Haloarenes, alcohols, phenols, ethers-

  • Finkelstein Reaction
  • Swarts Reaction
  • Williamson Synthesis of ethers
    • Me3C-Br with MeONa gives Me2C=CH2.
  • Hoffmann Ammonolysis of alkyl halides
  • Frankland Reaction
  • Grignard Reactions
  • Dow’s process
  • Lucas Test
    • primary alcohol does not react with HCl at room temperature.
  • Oxidation reactions
  • Dehydration of alcohol into ether (mechanism )
  • Reaction of Ether with HX
    • anhydrous HX always favor SN2.
  • ArSE of phenol
    • Salicylic acid with Br2 water gives 2,4,6-tribromophenol.
    • Preparation of picric acid
  • Reimer Tiemann reaction (mechanism )
  • Kolbe-Schmitt Reaction
    • preparation of aspirin, salol etc.
  • Fries Rearrangement

Day 7,8 - Aldehydes/Ketones-

  • Etard Reaction
  • Aldol Condensation (mechanism )
    • Me2CHCHO gives cannizaro reaction instead. (AIIMS)
    • Acetone with conc, H2SO4 gives mesitylene. (AIIMS)
  • Perkin reaction
  • Clemmensen Reduction
  • Wolff-Kishner Reduction
  • Tollen’s test
  • Fehling test/ Benedict test
    • All monosaccharides including glucose and fructose give positive tollen’s and fehling test.
  • Schiff test
  • 2,4-DNP test (Brady’s test).
  • Knoevenagel reaction (Active methylene group with weak pyridine as base).
  • Cannizaro reaction (mechanism )
    • MeCHO + 4HCHO, OH- gives C(CH2OH)4 and HCOO-. (IIT)
  • Haloform Test (mechanism )

Day 9, 10- Carboxylic acids & Derivatives, Amines

  • HVZ (Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky) Reaction
  • Hunsdiecker Reaction
  • Esterification/ Trans-Esterification (mechanism )
    • susceptible to steric factors.
  • Saponification
  • Rosenmund Reduction
  • Bouveault-Blanc Reduction;
  • Hoffmann Bromamide Degradation of acid amides (mechanism )
  • Dry distillation of Calcium salts of carboxylic acids
  • Stephen Reduction
  • Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis of primary amines (mechanism )
    • not suitable for synthesis of ArNH2 or Me3C-NH2 but successful for ortho or para-nitroaniline.
  • Carbyl Amine test of primary amines
  • Hinsberg Test
  • ArSE of aniline
    • Friedal craft’s reaction of aniline is a disaster.
    • To prepare ortho or para-nitroaniline from aniline, protection of -NH2 by acetylation is needed.
  • Diazotisation and all reactions of C6H5N2+
  • Azo Coupling
    • with phenols is preferred in slightly alkaline and with anilines in slightly acidic medium.
  • Schotten-Baumann Reaction
  • Sandmeyer Reaction / Gattermann reaction /Balz Schiemann Reaction
  • Reduction / Hydrolysis of Cyanides / Isocyanides / Nitro Compounds.
    • RNC with H2O attaches both E+ and Nu- on same atom.

Day 11-Biomolecules and Polymers-

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