Friday, May 29, 2020

class notes

  • Notes made during class notes revision. (Chapter : Wave Mechanics)

As you can see, it mainly has formulae with brief explanation at few points. I used them to have a quick look, if stuck during solving problems.

  • Made while reading book ( Here : Resnick Halliday)

These notes were preferred by me to have a quick read of the topics. And for keeping in my mind the depth knowledge of the chapter which I have gained during further Reading.

So notes form Physics are basically like this only : Formulae, short hints and marking for ellaboration or written concepts gained through further reading.

Now moving on to the vast subject of Chemistry , vast because of inorganic specifically. The notes are more of a theory cut shorts kind than formulae when its Inorganic.

  • Chapter : Chemical Bonding

The note making mechanism followed here was :

  • Nibbled theory enough for making a recall in your mind, covering each topic/subtopic including examples of general trend.
  • Mentioning frequently asked exceptions : like exceptions in periodic trend, stability orders, etc.
  • Short cut skills to remember tables etc like Fe Co Ni Cr Al (Feko Nahi Karare Aalu, as taught to us).

Now as far as Organic Chemistry is concerned, the one common advice given almost everywhere is the reagent-substrate list preparation i.e. which reagent does what.

  • Reagent Copy : Action of reagents on respective substrates.

The other one for organic is named reactions and their mechanism. But what I advice (and myself practiced) is that write only like : Substrate→(name of reagents added over arrow) products. And while revising write the mechanism on a rough yourself, because the more you practice by writing, the better your brain recalls in organic Chemistry. Here is an illustration :

Now, Physical Chemistry is majorly a bunch of theory, formuale and graphs. More like physics as the name suggests, though comparitively much easier.

  • Short theory (not needed generally)
  • Formulae (majorly)
  • Graphs (where needed)

(Sorry, no actual picture to provide you with exact idea)

For Maths, as far as I have learned, the revision notes just help in revising formulae. That too won't be needed much when you practice questions frequently as it fetches them in your memory deeply enough. Rather than formulae, its the basics, analysis and approach of solving which will play the major role. Your basic will help you derive them everytime you forget. And in this way, these formulae will aready get fitted in your brain. Although, at some points in algebra some theoritical points may be needed. Note them in brief, enough for you to understand. Here are some illustrations :

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